Oberitalienischer See mit Blick auf die Halbinsel Bellagio und den gleichnamigen Ort, Original: Photo, Dia-handkoloriert, aus Vortragsreihe: "Der Comer See"
Northern Italian lake with a view of the Bellagio peninsula and the town of the same name, original: photograph, hand colored slide, from Lecture Series: "The Lake Como"
Mann mit Tragekorb auf einem Weg am Comer See, rechts eine Mauer und Bäume am Hang, Original: Photo, Dia-handkoloriert, aus Vortragsreihe: "Der Comer See"
Man with a carrying basket on a path on Lake Como, on the right a wall and trees on the slope, original: photograph, hand colored slide, from Lecture Series: "The Lake Como"
Im Stil der Reanissance 1513 umgebaute gotische Kirche aus dem 14. Jahrhundert an der Piazza del Duomo, links das Teatro Sociale, Original: Photo, Dia-handkoloriert, aus Vortragsreihe: "Der Comer See"
Gothic church from the 14th century on the Piazza del Duomo, rebuilt in the style of the Reanissance in 1513, on the left the Teatro Sociale, original: photograph, hand colored slide, from Lecture Series: "The Lake Como"
Das Rathaus von Como (Broletto) aus dem 13. Jh., links ein Glockenturm, recht der Dom von Como, Original: Photo, Dia-handkoloriert, aus Vortragsreihe: "Der Comer See"
The 13th century town hall of Como (Broletto), a bell tower on the left, Como Cathedral on the right, original: photograph, hand colored slide, from Lecture Series: "The Lake Como"
Piazza Volta mit einem Denkmal für Alessandro Volta (1838) vom Bildhauer Pompeo Marchesi, Original: Photo, Dia-handkoloriert, aus Vortragsreihe: "Der Comer See"
Piazza Volta with a monument to Alessandro Volta (1838) by the sculptor Pompeo Marchesi, original: photograph, hand colored slide, from Lecture Series: "The Lake Como"
Basilica di Sant'Abbondio, im 11. Jh. im romanischen Stil errichtet, Original: Photo, Dia-handkoloriert, aus Vortragsreihe: "Der Comer See"
Basilica di Sant'Abbondio, built in the 11th century in Romanesque style, original: photograph, hand colored slide, from Lecture Series: "The Lake Como"
Villa d’Este (Villa del Garovo) am Westufer des Comer Sees in der Gemeinde Cernobbio. Errichtet im 16. Jahrhundert, seit 1873 ein Luxushotel, Original: Photo, Dia-handkoloriert, aus Vortragsreihe: "Der Comer See"
Villa d’Este (Villa del Garovo) on the western shore of Lake Como in the municipality of Cernobbio. Built in the 16th century, a luxury hotel since 1873, original: photograph, hand colored slide, from Lecture Series: "The Lake Como"
Sala Comacina liegt am Lago di Como zwischen Colonno und Ossuccio, vorgelagert ist die Isola Comacina, Original: Photo, Dia-handkoloriert, aus Vortragsreihe: "Der Comer See"
Colonno on Lake Como Sala Comacina is located on Lake Como between Colonno and Ossuccio, with Isola Comacina in front of it, original: photograph, hand colored slide, from Lecture Series: "The Lake Como"
Gebäudeensemble auf der Spitze der Halbinsel Lavedo in Lenno am Comer See, 1787 errichtet, Original: Photo, Dia-handkoloriert, aus Vortragsreihe: "Der Comer See"
Ensemble of buildings on the tip of the Lavedo peninsula in Lenno on Lake Como, built in 1787, original: photograph, hand colored slide, from Lecture Series: "The Lake Como"
Sommerresidenz aus dem 18. Jahrhundert in Tremezzo; 1747 errichtet; 1850 bis 1918 im Besitz des Fürstenhauses Sachsen-Meiningen, Original: Photo, Dia-handkoloriert, aus Vortragsreihe: "Der Comer See"
18th century summer residence in Tremezzo; built in 1747; 1850 to 1918 in the possession of the Princely House of Saxony-Meiningen, original: photograph, hand colored slide, from Lecture Series: "The Lake Como"